Section 2: Need; Variations; Categories
Check out the rest of the sections here:
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 1: Introduction
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 3: System Components; Remote Indicators
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 4: Communication with the Fire Brigade
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 5: Audible Alarms; Staff Alarms
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 6: Manual Call Points
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 7: Video Smoke Detection; Multisensors; Aspiration Smoke Detection
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 8: Stratification; Siting of Detectors
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 9: Honeycomb Ceilings; Joists
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 10: Beam Detectors; Aspiration Smoke Detection; Ceiling Heights
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 11: Zone Plan; C.I.E.; Radio Linked Systems
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 12: Limiting False Alarms
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 13: Selection of Detection Types
SANS 10139 2021 Updates Section 14: Documentation; Servicing; User Responsibility; Logbook; Annexure